Training, knowledge, awareness and production path aimed at particular social contexts. The main objective of the project is to provide participants with the socialisation tools for a new rediscovery of the self and the relationship with others, through the knowledge and practice of artistic languages ​​such as dance, theatre, writing, music following a specific training course.

Social dance, guided by a correct artistic methodology, creates those premises and stimuli for self-analysis, enriching the person's revaluation. Based on the place we enter, the user to whom we turn and the specific objectives to be achieved, a path develops that leads to the creation of an artistic product to be presented to the company to make known and give voice to the protagonists of our workshops who they are often placed on the margins of society. The paths are almost always taken by cameras to testify the laboratory activity carried out.

BEYOND THE BOUNDARIES has already been carried out with the prisoners in the District of Rovigo and Brindisi, with the asylum seekers of the C.A.R.A. of Brindisi, with the people with Down Syndrome, autistic and with cognitive impairment of the AIPD Brindisi (Italian Association of Down People), with the psychiatric patients who committed the crime of REMS (Residences for the execution of security measures) of Carovigno ( BR), with children at risk for projects against early school leaving

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