

The AlphaZTL Compagnia d'Arte Dinamica, established in Brindisi on October 15th 2015, operates internationally and deals with contemporary dance, video art-dance/documentaries, publishing, and artistic workshops in the social sector and against school dropouts. AlphaZTL, as indicated by the meaning enclosed in its name, wants to break down those barriers that do not allow social integration. The aim is to give voice to minorities, often subject to prejudice, by getting the sound of their voice to be heard as widely as possible: Alpha = prefix of Greek origin which indicates negation, lack and deprivation of the word to which it is affixed (alpha privative); ZTL = limited traffic zone. Thanks to the direction of the choreographer and artistic director Vito Alfarano, AlphaZTL realises artistic projects that see dance and other forms of artistic expressions develop through arguments related to social issues such as violence against women, detention, deafness, immigration, autism and Down Syndrome. These projects come about through the dance workshop “Oltre i confine” (Beyond the Borders), which aims to provide participants with the tools for better self-knowledge both as an individual and in relation to others.
AlphaZTL Compagnia d'Arte Dinamica, in doing laboratory work in marginal contexts (detention centres, recovery and rehabilitation institutions, day centres ...), has gained significant experience that means they are able to create genuine empathy with the participants in art workshops in the social field. In this way the children with Down Syndrome, prisoners, people with emotional and relational deficits, are empathically led to create art and feel part of the work itself: whether it is a video, a dance or theatre-dance performance, the laboratory activity highlights those who live on the margins of society and therefore creates collective emotion in the work created.

In this way barriers are broken down and the human being with all their talents stands out; it follows then that the places where these "artists" are housed no longer arouse morbid curiosity in the spectators, but are experienced as re-educational realities, imbued with so much humanity as to make the works they create original.  AlphaZTL makes those who do not receive the right attention from society the absolute protagonists of its projects. Art, followed by a correct methodology, gives the possibility to dig deep into a person and bring out their most sensitive side. 

AlphaZTL makes diversity a strength. Each person has something important to communicate and enriches those around them. Society tends to catalogue, ghettoize, pigeonhole; it tends to put you in a category of race, person, character etc. With its projects, AlphaZTL contributes to the improvement of society as it transforms exclusion into inclusion. The goal of its projects is to get acquainted. Where there is knowledge, prejudices disappear. AlphaZTL strongly believes in collaborations and in fact its projects are realised thanks to the sensitivity, professionalism, and synergy of numerous artists. AlphaZTL is in the list of the social sector of the Puglia Region Prisoner Inmates’ Section and is part of the National Coordination of Theatre in Prison and the Coordination of Theatre in Prison of Puglia and Basilicata
- GRAND PRIX at “THE IV INTERNATIONAL SERGEI DIAGHILEV COMPETITION OF CHOREOGRAPHIC ART”, with the choreography Beyond the borders with the jury chaired by Vladimir Malakhov;

- CRITIC PRIZE in Cagliari at the Cortoindanza festival with the performance 'ALMOST DEAF ... I like pigs' for the innovation of choreographic language;
- CRITICS AWARD in Belarus at the IFMC 2018 (International Festival Modern Choreography) in Vitebsk with the performance Viola (ta) against violence against women for the current social value;
- SPECIAL MENTION AND CONFERENCE OF THREE MEDALS from the President Emeritus of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano to the "Carlo Castelli" National Literary Prize for solidarity in Forlì with the video dance MY GRID
- SPECIAL PRIZE OF THE JURY OF QUALITY at the "Weak Ring Award", in Capodarco di Fermo with the dance video IL MIO GRIDO
- GRAND PRIX DU JURY at DesArts // DesCinés # 5 in Sant'Etienne in France with the video dance IL MIO GRIDO
- FIRST PRIZE international festival "Danza in Corto 2016" in Rome with the videodance IL MIO GRIDO
- BEST FILM AWARDS in Austria at the Dance On Screen Festival with the dance film INTANGOUT made with the prisoners of the Prison of Brindisiù
- PATRONAGE of Amnesty International Italia to the dance film I HAVE A DREAM
- BEST DIRECTORS 'AWARD and AUDIENCE AWARD at the Wild Dogs Festival in Canada with the film I HAVE A DREAM
- SPECIAL MENTION in Modena at the CINEDANZA Festival with the dance film INTANGOUT for the social and artistic value of the project.


Artistic director / Choreographer / Dancer
Artistic director / Choreographer / Dancer Vito Alfarano
Service provider
Service provider Marcello Briscosi
Theatre educator AlphaZTL KIDS
Theatre educator AlphaZTL KIDS Paola Giglio

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