FREESPACES - Art in the Social

The SPAZILIBERI (FREESPACES) exhibition is a project that uses art, in different  forms, as a way of sensitization.The choice of the name was inspired by "Spaziolibero - I programmi dell’accesso" of the RAI in the 70s, when the broadcasting service allowed the associations throughout the country to produce self-managed programs in national distribution and represented the first experimental openings to new social trends.

SPAZILIBERI is at the same time a point of arrival and departure: on the one hand a goal that presents the result of a series of workshops carried out by AlphaZTL Compagnia d'Arte Dinamica, on the other hand the beginning of a path aimed at sensitizing visitors, opening a window on those realities  that are not really popular, as if they were parallel worlds, unknown and therefore ignored, unless we are involved in some way, directly or indirectly

SPAZILIBERI comes from the continuous research of Vito Alfarano, which aims to introduce the creativity  beyond the barriers that separate some people from others; through the "Oltre le confini" workshop, the activities carried out allowed the protagonists to become dancers, actors or artists, and had a precious opportunity to express their emotions through the thousand aspects of creativity.

The exhibition, curated by Ilaria Caravaglio, is divided into 4 sections that offer  many areas and presents the public with a wide and varied path that wants, on the one hand, to document the activities carried out, through the numerous photographs and videos made during the workshops on the other, to exhibit the products of the protagonists' creativity, with the most varied forms of expression, from the audiobook to the paintings, from the performance to the video art.

Curated by Ilaria Caravaglio

AlphaZTL production Compagnia d'Arte Dinamica

Artistic direction Vito Alfarano

All the contents of the exhibition, including the catalog, are presented in Italian and English.


The section presents to visitors the work done with the inmates of the prisons of Brindisi and Rovigo in the context of three different workshops organized since 2010 on. “Il mio grido”, a dance video made in 2010 with the prisoners of the Rovigo District House, has been selected in more than 30 festivals all over the world and received a special mention and the award of three medals by the President of the Italian Republic, Giorgio Napolitano. In 2015, the book “Peter Pan e l’Isola dei Sogni”, coming from a creative writing and theater-dance workshop, led the people involved  to the realization of the publication with an attached DVD containing audiobooks and the video-art entitled Peter Pan Syndrome, which proposes an artistic vision of what is known as "Peter Pan syndrome".

On show, in addition to the book and videos, also the photographs of the workshops as well as the backstage during the filming.
Facebook Page: Peter Pan e l'Isola dei Sogni


“Intangout” was issued in 2016-17  and, through the study of the Argentine tango – danced by men as in its origins - led the protagonists to the creation of a video-dance, strictly "made in prison", which tells of the tango through the prisoner and viceversa.
Facebook Page: Intangout

Space 2 - Dancing murales

This is the section dedicated to psychiatric patients responsible for crimes hosted by the REMS - Resident for the Implementation of the Detective Security Measures - in Carovigno (Brindisi - Italy). These people were invited to follow a path to put them in contact with the movement of the body and the visual arts, taking inspiration from the brilliant performance of the famous French artist Yves Klein; the artist used the body of his models instead of the brush and, guiding their movements on the canvas as a director, he made large paintings.

Through the comparison with contemporary dance, tango, theatre and juggling, the patients/artists were invited to express through signs and colors all the sensations felt during the workshop, making then a series of paintings on plexiglass with an amazing result, entitled Murales Danzante, full of contents and emotions that arrive straight to the observer.

In this space, you will find photographs, a video-documentary and, as a core of the section, the series of panels painted by the protagonists with their bodies.

Space 3 - I Have a Dream

I Have a Dream, is both a contemporary dance performance and a video dance, under the patronage of Amnesty International Italy; the project is inspired by the principles of Martin Luther King, the dream that all men can be equal and that people no longer have to be judged by the colour of their skin, but seen regarded on the basis of the content and personality that characterise it.

In this workshop, dance has been used as a means of reflection and sensitization, as a scene in which different cultures, languages and ethnicities merge.

On show are the final video, the photographs of the show andlast but not least, the dance performance with the protagonists that will take place according to the established schedule.

Facebook Page: I Have a Dream

Space 4 - More Up Then Down

The section presents photographs and video-documentary that tells the route of the boys of the Brindisi branch of the AIPD - Italian Association of Down People - accompanied by Vito Alfarano and a team of teachers from various disciplines of dance through the knowledge of body language, up to the key concept that sees "the body as a bearer of drama".

The documentary Più UP che DOWNhighlights the quality, creativity and truth of each protagonist with Down syndrome, also with the help of an interesting collection of interviews. The experience, understood as a moment of aggregation and life path is the main topic around which the workshop has been focused with the aim of bringing the lives of these people to light.

The content on show does not therefore present the Down syndrome, but the qualities, characteristics and creativity, free and unconditional, of each person.

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