AlphaZTL Compagnia d'Arte Dinamica has been selected for funding from the SIAE "PER CHI CREA" 2023 call for proposals aimed at supporting and promoting the international dissemination of artistic projects by young Italian talents under 35. Thanks the support of SIAE and of the Italian Ministry of Culture, AlphaZTL brings to the stage its contemporary dance performance entitled "Shut Up! & Toxic Love" in an exciting international tour.

The tour consists of 6 dates in 6 different cities, and the shows are included in the programming of as many festivals and dance events in Spain, Georgia, Germany, and Croatia.

AlphaZtl Shut up! & Toxic love

Shut Up! & Toxic Love is an engaging diptych by young Apulian choreographer Francesco Biasi, produced by AlphaZTL, which explores the theme of control and manipulation in various relational contexts and dynamics. The two parts of the performance address the theme both horizontally in personal relationships, and vertically, between individuals with different levels of power and authority.

"Manipulation, control and submission. These are the elements that Shut up! and Toxic Love have in common. They are the stories of those who have to fight against abuse and weakness, without interruption. The need to feel bigger in the impossibility of feeling understood but also the story of those who seek answers, in a love that has effects similar to those of drug addiction."

This tour represents an extraordinary opportunity to share our work with international audiences and to contribute to the vibrant international art scene, particularly that related to contemporary dance.

This opportunity will allow us to share with an international audience our mission: to explore universal themes through the language of choreographic art. With Shut Up! & Toxic Love we want to stimulate deep reflection on human dynamics and continue our commitment to promoting dialogue and empathy through art.


Direction and Choreography: Francesco Biasi

Direction and Choreography: AlphaZTL Compagnia d’Arte Dinamica             

Coproduction: Compagnia Fabula Saltica - Associazione Balletto Città di Rovigo




Dancers: Simona Semeraro & Giulia Petti

Duration: 25 minutes

Shut Up! is a performance born from the need to represent the duality of mankind, the coexistence of opposing realities united in an ongoing struggle.

‘Who do you think you are? You think you are stronger, right? If being stronger for you means manipulating other people's minds and controlling what doesn't belong to you, you are on the wrong path. But what is wrong and what is right? Shut up!’  Silence the beliefs that delude you of a power you do not and cannot have, make yourself vulnerable and lost, malleable and real. What is real?’

Shut Up! is the struggle against others, the illusion of everyone's perception of themselves, a perception that creates real limits. Insecurities and weaknesses that are projected onto the other, but reflect the fiction that has been created. It is in this context that the study of the other's weaknesses and shortcomings to fill one's own and feel full, and fulfilled, fits in. The need to feel greater in the impossibility of feeling understood.

Teaser Shut Up!   


Dancers:: Francesco Biasi & Davide Dibello

Duration: 15 minutes

What is the mind of an addict hiding? Love and addiction have similar effects, thrashing in a mixture of euphoria, desire and submission. But can love clean up the drugs in circulation? Toxic Love

is the story of two young people in search of answers, in precarious balance, united by the dim hope of redemption. Their life goes on repetitive, without an apparent future or an event that could put an end, for better or for worse, to their dramatic situation.

Teaser Toxic Love

Francesco Biasi

Dancer, choreographer and videomaker from Apulia, born in 1991. He has delved into the world of choreographic art, seeking contamination between dance, video and reality.

Involved in various artistic projects as a choreographer and teacher, he tries to transmit to his students the power of personal interpretation so that everyone can express his or her own soul to the full. He is the artistic director of ‘ArtMove’ Dance Study Center and ‘Soqquadro’ Dance Company.

Since 2019, he has been contributing as an emerging dancer and choreographer for AlphaZTL Compagnia d'Arte Dinamica, with which he creates: 'Perfect Illusion', which tackles the theme of anorexia and bulimia; 'I Passeggeri', co-created with AlphaZTL's director Vito Alfarano and involving inmates from Brindisi prison; and 'Orc(K)', which explores violence from the author's point of view.

As a videomaker, he shot and edited the dance video "The Passengers" and the documentary "In Sincro - Dancing in the Prison"; he also makes most of the video reels for AlphaZTL's social channels.

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