AlphaZTL Compagnia d'Arte Dinamica di Vito Alfarano following the workshop BEYOND THE BOUNDARY carried out in 2015. The laboratory had as main objective to provide prisoners with the tools of socialization for a new rediscovery of the self and the relationship with others, through the knowledge and practice of theatrical languages, writing, movement and musicality following a specific training path.

The book, sponsored by the Municipality of Brindisi, is edited and illustrated by the writer Alessia Coppola and is accompanied by a DVD containing audiobook, video art documentary on Peter Pan Syndrome and photos, all translated also in English.

In the audiobook, the voices of Marcello Biscosi and Norman Douglas Harvey read the fairy tale readapted by the prisoners with the original music of the composer Nicola Rigato and the audio setting by Simone Pizzardo and also contains the voices of the prisoners who read parts of the text of the original fairy tale.

The video art entitled PETER PAN SYNDROME directed by the Brindisi choreographer Vito Alfarano and always made with the inmates of the Brindisi District House, gives space to an artistic vision of the Peter Pan Syndrome.

The following collaborated on the project: Alessia Coppola for illustrations and text care; Silvio De Vito for the translation into English; Nicola Rigato for original music and Simone Pizzardo for soundtrack and audio editing; Marcello Biscosi, Pino Corsa and Norman Douglas Harvey for the voices; Pietro Cinieri for filming and editing; Vito Alfarano for the direction and artistic and organizational direction and laboratory; Roberta Delli Ponti for yoga classes; Angelo Schettino for percussion lessons; Anna Maria Fumarola for the photos.

The proceeds from the book will give AlphaZTL Compagnia d'Arte Dinamica the opportunity to continue carrying out its social and cultural activities.

The book is produced by the AlphaZTL Dynamic Art Company and partly realized thanks to: "Initiative within the National Theater Project in Prison CROSSED DESTINIES with the contribution of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism / General Directorate of Entertainment, pursuant to Article 43, Promotion / Social Inclusion Projects. Initiative promoted online with other bodies belonging to the National Coordination of Theater in Prison, having the Aenigma Theater Association as the main subject ".

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