
Cassandra Bianco

Dancer and Choreography assistant

dancer, trained at Claudia Giubilo's “Centro Arte Danza”, studying in parallel with foreign schools such as PERIDANCE CAPEZIO CENTER, BROADWAY DANCE CENTER, ALVIN AILEY AMERICAN DANCE THEATRE.

Apprentice dancer at the Israeli company Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company of Rami Be'er, participating in the 5-month Dance Journey Study Abroad program 2018 in the kibbutz Ga'Aton where she studied with different international names: Idan Sharabi, Eyal Dadon, Yamit Abraham, Danielle Ohn, David Warren Parker, Dana Raz, Sharon Vaisvaser, Yigal Mashinsky, Alexander Alexandrov.

He has participated in several videos, events and shows including the most important Andrea Bocelli 2016 concert at the Lajatico theater, under the direction of Luca Tommassini and the choreography of Francesco Saracino. From 2019 she dances for the AlphaZTL Dynamic Art Company

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