

Video made with the prisoners of the prison of Rovigo thanks to the Ministry of Justice, Department of Penitentiary, PRAP of Padua and the direction of the prison.

Production Balletto città di Rovigo in collaboration with AlphaZTL Comapgnia d’Arte Dinamica, partners GoMotion
Concept and direction Vito Alfarano
Camera operator Ludovico Guglielmo
Sound design Simone Pizzardo
Photography Ludovico Guglielmo and Cesare Grandi
Music Simone Pizzardo and Camilla Ferrari
Editing Alessandro Gasperotto


- Special mention and three medals from the President emeritus of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano at the National Literary Prize "Carlo Castelli" for solidarity (2012) - Forlì

- selected at CologneOFF -Cologne International Videoart Festival 2013 - Cologne, Germany

- selected at the ARTQ Festival - VISUAL ALTERATIONS: THE AWAKENING OF THE ORIGINS exhibition in the Aldobrandesco Castle of Arcidosso from 27 July to 1 September 2013 - Grosseto

- report on the 2013 Luana Raia Award

- selected at the "International dancefilmfestival Brussels 2013" - "L’art difficult de filmer la danse" - Brussels, Belgium

- invitation to PALEOCONTEMPORANEA 2013, contemporary art festival for the video review section "then it rained inside the high fantasy" exhibition from 25 October 2013 to 6 January 2014 at the Astronomical Observatory - Capodimonte, Naples

- A Virtual Memorial Vilnius, dedicated to the memory of the Holocaust, from September 23 to October 29, 2013 in Vilnius, Lithuania

- Advanced Course of Visual Art University of Potenza, as part of the LAP Public Art Award 2013. 16 September in Potenza and 19 September Matera

- Breaking8 2013, International video dance festival - Cagliari

- @ DIRECT ACTION * 2014 Berlin, Festival for conceptual / non-expressive / non-dramatic actions and interventions. Berlin 23-25 ​​May 2014

- Special prize of the jury of quality at the " Premio l’anello debole 2014", 21-29 June Capodarco di Fermo

- "The best of the shorts" of " Premio l’anello debole " on Thursday 12 March in Monte Urano at the Arlecchino cinema.

- Wins the "Grand prix du jury" at DesArts // DesCinés # 5 in Sant'Etienne in France.

- Festival " piccola scena digitale " June 9, 2015 at La Casa Del Cinema, Rome.

- July 2015 "The Third Coast Dance Film Festival" in Houston TX.

- November 27, 2015 presented at the Moving Futures Festival in Tillburg (NL)

- Fates crossed 2015 National Theater Festival in prison, Pesaro.

- Cinedans Festival 2016, at the EYE filmmuseum in Amsterdam from 16 to 20 March 2016

- IDACOnyc 2016, from 24 to 28 May at the Italian Cultural Institute & The Sheen Center in Manatthan, NewYork

- 2 June 2016 LEBANESE Film Festival, LIBYA

- TIPPERARY DANCE PLATFORM - 2016, from 10 to 16 October, South East Ireland

- Sinema Dans Ankara 2016 from 11 to 14 November, Turkey

- December 3, 2016 Palazzo Granafei Nervegna, Brindisi

- First Prize "Danza in Corto 2016" international exhibition Villa Pamphilj Rome

-25th Quinzena de Dança de Almada - International Dance Festival 29th Sep – 21st Oct 2017, Almada - Portugal

- CONTAGI Body Expressions In Contamination, Bari from 23rd to 25th June 2017

- 6th October 2017 POOL 17 - INTERNATIONALES TanzFilmFestival BERLIN - Berlin

- 25th October 2017 Trans (m) it: Movement in Film at Stratford Campus University - London

- 17th November,  Festival Destini Incrociati 2017 - Rome

- 30th November InShadow 2017 - Lisbon

- 8th July 2018, Screendance on the theme of POSITIONING, Valletta - Malta

- 17th-21st September 2018, FREE FOOT Festival, Mogliano Veneto (TV)

- 22nd – 24th May 2019, IDACO NY City, New York

- 18th – 20th November 2019, PHOTOGRAPHS FROM THE PRISON 2019, at the IPM of Nisida (Naples)

- 7th December 2019 Open Day New Community Theatres VIII edition, Florence


23 October 2020


Art and Social, Screendance

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